Press Kit

Updated March 10th, 2024



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Short Description

Artificial intelligence has plotted a path to a sustainable future, but humans aren't included. Defend humanity against the A.I. in this instant action tower defense, real-time strategy hybrid.



Real-time Strategy, Tower Defense


PC - Windows, Linux


Steam, itchio

Developer & Publisher

Developed by Pisces Studios
Published by Pisces Studios


Inspired by many popular and award-winning real-time strategy games, Deterrence gets its intuitive user interface from classic RTS roots, most notably, Starcraft (1998). Calling in powerful tactical aids, having destructible environments and having the ability to garrison infantry in civilian structures comes from none other than Company of Heroes (2006). World in Conflict (2007) brings home the bacon with the ability to get into the action quickly by not having to build and manage a base nor maintain a complex economy. The nonlinear campaign complete with mission rewards and research tree; and the game speed changing mechanic were inspired by They Are Billions (2019).

Launch Date

March 8th 2024

Launch Price

$9.99 USD

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Long Description

Deterrence is a tower defense, real-time strategy hybrid that offers a midcore single-player experience. Play as the human race in the not-too-distant future and fight malfunctioning artificial intelligence. Choose your own conflicts in the nonlinear campaign that's complete with mission rewards and research tree.

Each level will put your tactical skills to the test as you will have to play an active role in helping your troops withstand the enemy onslaught whether that be repairing defenses, reallocating troops to another front, designating artillery strike zones, or destroying bridges.

Command your troops to victory by taking advantage of everything the battlefield has to offer. Garrison troops in civilian structures for quick defense. Build artillery batteries to pound enemy advances. Jam the enemy signals to gain an advantage. Call in air strikes, artillery strikes, and warheads to turn the tide of battle.

Gameplay Features


Deterrence started as a tower defense project that existed in the back of my mind while working on Dyflexion, my previous project. Once Dyflexion was complete and released, I immediately began to work on Deterrence in March of 2022.

The original vision was to have all the mechanics of a tower defense, but with all the freedom of a real-time strategy. As the project progressed, the game leaned more towards a resource economy, and offensive gameplay making it purely an RTS game. After a lot of thought. I came to the conclusion that the game was out of scope and became too massive for me to handle. And that's when I came full circle with my original vision.

The scope creep wasn't necessarily a bad thing or a waste of time. It actually gave me a bunch of mechanics to mix and match which in my belief gives Deterrence a unique blend of tower defense and real-time strategy mechanics.


Deterrence takes place in the future where you play as the human race and fight malfunctioning artificial intelligence. The rogue machine is named Big Birtha for her ability to make copies of herself and install them on autonomous bots, giving them artificial life. Her objective originally was to help mankind create a sustainable future moving forward, but she somehow comes to the conclusion that all life must be destroyed to achieve sustainability. During this take down of humanity, most digital systems are hacked and rendered inoperable by Big Birtha, so the military is reduced to using old systems and to reestablish communications with allies all while fighting autonomous bots that are doing the will of Big Birtha.

Last Stand Game Mode

Last Stand is a game mode where players are given limited money and must defend themselves against an endless onslaught of enemies. The goal is to survive the longest. Players can compete for best time of survival with the leaderboards.

About the Developer

Pisces Studios is a startup indie developer and publisher founded by Matthew Gianfrancesco October 4, 2018 and operates from his home office. Matthew Gianfrancesco is the sole proprietor of Pisces Studios and has zero employees because he prefers outsourcing labor. Matthew Gianfrancesco started his game making journey at the age of 12, self taught using RPG maker 2000 and Game Maker 5. Throughout the years, he has always wanted to make his hobby his day job and hopes Deterrence will be the start of such a dream.



By: Matthew Gianfrancesco DBA Pisces Studios


By: Melissa Gianfrancesco

Title Screen Music

By: Nicole Marie T.

In-game Music

By: Amedeo Serra

Trailer Music

By: Oscar Leites